Dear Genealogical or Historical Society,
We would like to invite
you to become a member of the Genealogical Council of Oregon (GCO). We
envision growth in Oregon genealogical societies and invite your
society to join GCO. The exchange of ideas and information that
can occur at GCO meetings and through the following publications -
Speakers Bureau, Oregon for Sale, Directory of Oregon Societies, and
the GCO Newsletter – can only benefit each society, and the
Oregon genealogical society.
All member societies of GCO will be listed in the GCO flyer which is
distributed at conferences and events, and the Oregon State Library. We
would like to include your society.
We invite you to send us your comments. We would like to know what you
feel the Genealogical Council of Oregon could do to further its goal.
We hope to see your society as part of the GENEALOGICAL COUNCIL OF OREGON.
____ Individual Membership $10.00 ____ Society
Membership $10.00 Total Amount Enclosed: ________ *
Membership is from Jan 1st through Dec 31st. Please indicate for what year(s) you are paying ______________
NAME ___________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE & EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________
Your Membership Packet will include:
· Membership Card
· Membership List
· Bylaws
· Oregon For Sale Form
· Speakers Bureau Form
* Make checks payable to: Genealogical Council of Oregon
Detach and mail to: Mary Jean Crawford, Treasurer
PO Box 237
Crawfordsville, OR 97336-0237
E-mail address: