Background information:
Brief speaking/genealogical bio: Researching for over 15 years, Leslie
Lawson is a professional genealogist. She is active in her
genealogical community, serving as Membership Chair for the
Genealogical Council of Oregon (GCO) May 2002 to date; Director at
Large for the Genealogical Forum of Oregon (GFO) 2002-2003, and 2nd
Vice President 2003-2005. Teaches Beginning Genealogy on a
bi-monthly basis at GFO. She has membership in several
organizations, including: NGS, GSG and APG as well as other local
Member of GCO? Yes
Fees: $75 to $100 dependant upon distance.
Will you travel? Yes
Do you require reimbursement of transportation costs? Yes, negotiable
Do you require reimbursement of food costs? No
Do you accept home housing? No
Syllabus, AV, & books:
Can you provide syllabus materials? Yes
What AV equipment do you require? Overhead projector and
screen. If available, projector for Powerpoint presentation
instead of overhead.
What Audio aids do you require? Lapel Microphone; lectern and table
Do you have items for sale at the lecture? No
1. Find It in The Past; Preserve It for The Future: Newspaper Research
2. Beginning Genealogy: Let’s Jump Start Your Genealogy
3. Going There, Walking Their Ground...: Doing on Site
4. Planning a Reunion: The Steps to a Successful Reunion!
5. Building Leads In Vital Records to Get From There to Here: Locating
People In The Last Century
Please contact for further information
regarding lectures.