How to Contact:
Full mailing address: 1069 Piper Sonoma St., Eugene, OR 97404
Phone: 541-461-7328
Fax: 541-461-7342
E-mail address:
Background information: Joan A. Hunter
is a certified genealogist specializing in research and analysis in New
England families, author of several genealogical books, and NEHG Register, Vermont Genealogy, and TAG
articles. A member of APG, BCG, NGS, NEHGS, and General Society of
Mayflower Descendants; she currently serves as an APG Director and as
Oregon State Regent, NSDAR.
Member of GCO? Yes
Fees: Call or E-mail for rates.
Will you travel? Yes
How far?
Do you require reimbursement of transportation costs?
Do you require reimbursement of food costs?
Do you accept home housing?
Syllabus, AV, & books:
Can you provide syllabus materials? Yes
What AV equipment do you require? Overhead projector and screen
What Audio aids do you require? Lapel Mic; lecturn and table
Do you have items for sale at the lecture? No.
Does the sponsoring society receive a commission from sales?
Have You Written Your Tombstone?
One of the great joys of genealogy is discovering an ancestor’s
tombstone, but are you prepared to glean every bit of genealogical
information from the tombstone inscription?
This lecture discusses the wide array of information found on
tombstones and how to use the findings as a stepping stone to further
Muddy Roads, Sick Babies, and Poor Accommodations. As Overland Journey. Vermont to Illinois, 1834
Many migrated westward, but few left a record of how or why. By
exploring motivations, the journey, and what they did when they
arrived, researchers will be better prepared to analyze and reconstruct
their own ancestors’ migrations.
One Piece Upon the Pine Plain, Liberty of a Cartway and Apples for Life. The Genealogical Value of Deeds.
Are you using deeds to bypass that brick wall? Not only can deeds
be an extraordinary source of genealogical information, they will
occasionally provide a fascinating glimpse into our ancestors’
lives and values.
**Will prepare special lecture topics upon demand**