How to Contact:
Full mailing address: 61234 Chikamin Dr., Bend, OR 97702
Phone: 541-382-6524
E-mail address:
Background information:
Brief speaking/genealogical bio: Resident Bend since 1964.
Retired school librarian; member Bend Genealogical Society.
traveled extensively in U.S. searching original sources for family
history. I first began researching family about 1967, first
family elders and papers then in libraries. Later I traveled
further and because my husband’s ancestors arrived early in
England and remained there 200 years, I acquired much experience in
searching those records. I have spoken at BGS, DAR State
Conference and GCO Conference.
Member of GCO? Yes
Fees: Negotiable
Will you travel? Anywhere in Oregon except SW coast (to far)
How far?
Do you require reimbursement of transportation costs? Yes
Do you require reimbursement of food costs? No
Do you accept home housing?
Syllabus, AV, & books:
Can you provide syllabus materials? Yes
What AV equipment do you require? A screen and an overhead
What Audio aids do you require? Lapel Mic; lecturn and table
Do you have items for sale at the lecture? No
Does the sponsoring society receive a commission from sales?
Other comments: Weather can be a factor. I do not commit to
be anywhere during the winter months.
Researching in the New England States
Death Records - Funeral Homes, Cemeteries, Wills and Probate
Pitfalls of Genealogical Research
Tombstones of Our Ancestors
Also, not genealogical but historical lecture:
Abigail Scott Duniway. For those interested in Oregon history
and women’s early suffrage movement.